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Open Source course materials from HackerBay University

Task 1 - Your first API


What are you building?

Please read this

Learning Resources

These resources are exactly the one in the Precourse Learning Resources. Our aim for this week is to be thorough with these concepts first and apply them on the task mentioned below.

Topic Resource
HTML and CSS Link to this resource
JavaScript for beginners Link to this resource
Serverside Programming with NodeJS Link to this resource
Algorithms Link to this resource
PostgreSQL Link to this resource


Step 1: Create a new NodeJS Project with Express.

Step 2: Your First API.

Today, you’ll be creating your first GET and POST API’s. If you don’t know what they are. Please checkout this video..

 Request Type: GET
 Route: /
 Response: {status: success}
 Request Type: POST
 Route: /data
 Request: {data: 'Any String'}
 Response: {data: 'Any String'}
 Request Type: GET
 Route: /data
 Response: {data: 'Any String'}

There are a lot of resources on Google on how to build API’s with express. Please google these resources if you’re stuck.

#### Step 3: Push your changes to Git

Push all your changes to your GitHub Repo.


Please submit your GitHub Repo to your mentor as soon as you’re done, so he or she can review.